Publications of Francesco Ciompi


Papers in international journals

  1. E. Munari, M. Marconi, G. Querzoli, G. Lunardi, P. Bertoglio, F. Ciompi, A. Tosadori, A. Eccher, N. Tumino, L. Quatrini, P. Vacca, G. Rossi, A. Cavazza, G. Martignoni, M. Brunelli, G. Netto, L. Moretta, G. Zamboni and G. Bogina, "Impact of PD-L1 and PD-1 Expression on the Prognostic Significance of CD8+, Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.", Frontiers in immunology, 2021;12:680973.
    Abstract DOI PMID Download Cited by ~19
  2. E. Munari, F. Mariotti, L. Quatrini, P. Bertoglio, N. Tumino, P. Vacca, A. Eccher, F. Ciompi, M. Brunelli, G. Martignoni, G. Bogina and L. Moretta, "PD-1/PD-L1 in Cancer: Pathophysiological, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Aspects.", International journal of molecular sciences, 2021;22(10).
    Abstract DOI PMID Cited by ~62
  3. J. van der Laak, G. Litjens and F. Ciompi, "Deep learning in histopathology: the path to the clinic.", Nature Medicine, 2021;27(5):775-784.
    Abstract DOI PMID Download Cited by ~368
  4. F. Faita, T. Oranges, N. Di Lascio, F. Ciompi, S. Vitali, G. Aringhieri, A. Janowska, M. Romanelli and V. Dini, "Ultra-high-frequency ultrasound and machine learning approaches for the differential diagnosis of melanocytic lesions.", Experimental Dermatology, 2021.
    Abstract DOI PMID Download Cited by ~12
  5. M. Balkenhol, F. Ciompi, Z. Swiderska-Chadaj, R. van de Loo, M. Intezar, I. Otte-Holler, D. Geijs, J. Lotz, N. Weiss, T. de Bel, G. Litjens, P. Bult and J. van der Laak, "Optimized tumour infiltrating lymphocyte assessment for triple negative breast cancer prognostics.", The Breast, 2021;56:78-87.
    Abstract DOI PMID Cited by ~20
  6. M. van Rijthoven, M. Balkenhol, K. Silina, J. van der Laak and F. Ciompi, "HookNet: Multi-resolution convolutional neural networks for semantic segmentation in histopathology whole-slide images", Medical Image Analysis, 2021;68:101890.
    Abstract DOI PMID Algorithm Download Cited by ~104
  7. D. Tellez, G. Litjens, J. van der Laak and F. Ciompi, "Neural Image Compression for Gigapixel Histopathology Image Analysis.", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021;43(2):567-578.
    Abstract DOI PMID Download Cited by ~168
  8. F. Ciompi, M. Veta, J. van der Laak and N. Rajpoot, "Editorial Computational Pathology", IEEE} Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2021;25(2):303-306.
    Abstract DOI
  9. N. Marini, S. Otálora, D. Podareanu, M. van Rijthoven, J. van der Laak, F. Ciompi, H. Muller and M. Atzori, "Multi_Scale_Tools: A Python Library to Exploit Multi-Scale Whole Slide Images", Frontiers in Computer Science, 2021;3.
    Abstract DOI Cited by ~15


  1. M. Aubreville, C. Bertram, M. Veta, R. Klopfleisch, N. Stathonikos, K. Breininger, N. ter Hoeve, F. Ciompi and A. Maier, "Quantifying the Scanner-Induced Domain Gap in Mitosis Detection", arXiv:2103.16515, 2021.
    Abstract DOI arXiv Cited by ~21
  2. J. Bokhorst, I. Nagtegaal, F. Fraggetta, S. Vatrano, W. Mesker, M. Vieth, J. van der Laak and F. Ciompi, "Automated risk classification of colon biopsies based on semantic segmentation of histopathology images", arXiv:2109.07892, 2021.
    Abstract DOI arXiv Cited by ~1

Papers in conference proceedings

  1. N. Marini, S. Otalora, F. Ciompi, G. Silvello, S. Marchesin, S. Vatrano, G. Buttafuoco, M. Atzori, H. Muller, N. Burlutskiy, Z. Li, F. Minhas, T. Peng, N. Rajpoot, B. Torbennielsen, J. Der Van Laak, M. Veta, Y. Yuan and I. Zlobec, "Multi-Scale Task Multiple Instance Learning for the Classification of Digital Pathology Images with Global Annotations", 2021.
    Abstract Cited by ~13
  2. R. Fick, B. Tayart, C. Bertrand, S. Lang, T. Rey, F. Ciompi, C. Tilmant, I. Farre and S. Hadj, "A Partial Label-Based Machine Learning Approach For Cervical Whole-Slide Image Classification: The Winning TissueNet Solution", 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the {IEEE} Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society ({EMBC}), 2021.
    Abstract DOI Cited by ~4
  3. J. Vermazeren, L. van Eekelen, L. Meesters, M. Looijen-Salamon, S. Vos, E. Munari, C. Mercan and F. Ciompi, "muPEN: Multi-class PseudoEdgeNet for PD-L1 assessment", Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, 2021.
    Abstract Url
  4. G. Smit, F. Ciompi, M. Cigéhn, A. Bodén, J. van der Laak and C. Mercan, "Quality control of whole-slide images through multi-class semantic segmentation of artifacts", Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, 2021.
    Abstract Url Cited by ~10
  5. M. van Rijthoven, M. Balkenhol, M. Atzori, P. Bult, J. van der Laak and F. Ciompi, "Few-shot weakly supervised detection and retrieval in histopathology whole-slide images", Medical Imaging, 2021;11603:137 - 143.
    Abstract DOI Cited by ~1
  6. W. Aswolinskiy, D. Tellez, G. Raya, L. van der Woude, M. Looijen-Salamon, J. van der Laak, K. Grunberg and F. Ciompi, "Neural image compression for non-small cell lung cancer subtype classification in H&E stained whole-slide images", Medical Imaging 2021: Digital Pathology, 2021;11603:1 - 7.
    Abstract DOI Cited by ~8


  1. Y. Jiao, M. Rijthoven, J. Li, K. Grunberg, S. Fei and F. Ciompi, "Automatic Lung Cancer Segmentation in Histopathology Whole-Slide Images with Deep Learning", European Congress on Digital Pathology (ECDP), 2021.

PhD theses

  1. D. Tellez, "Advancing computational pathology with deep learning: from patches to gigapixel image-level classification", PhD thesis, 2021.
    Abstract Url