Publications of Daan Zegers


Papers in international journals

  1. L. van Eekelen, J. Spronck, M. Looijen-Salamon, S. Vos, E. Munari, I. Girolami, A. Eccher, B. Acs, C. Boyaci, G. de Souza, M. Demirel-Andishmand, L. Meesters, D. Zegers, L. van der Woude, W. Theelen, M. van den Heuvel, K. Grünberg, B. van Ginneken, J. van der Laak and F. Ciompi, "Comparing deep learning and pathologist quantification of cell-level PD-L1 expression in non-small cell lung cancer whole-slide images", Scientific Reports, 2024;14.
    Abstract DOI PMID



  1. L. van Eekelen, E. Munari, L. Meesters, G. de Souza, M. Demirel-Andishmand, D. Zegers, M. Looijen-Salamon, S. Vos and F. Ciompi, "Nuclei detection with YOLOv5 in PD-L1 stained non-small cell lung cancer whole slide images", European Congress of Pathology, 2022.