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Academic Alliance grant for development of Mohs surgery AI tool

Academic Alliance grant for development of Mohs surgery AI tool

The Academic Alliance Fund of Radboudumc and Maastricht UMC+ awarded Geert Litjens, Daan Geijs, Avital Amir, Lisa Hillen, Veronique Winnepenninckx and Nicole Kelleners a grant of 100,000 euros for their project proposal entitled: ‘Mohs chirurgy supported by artificial intelligence; better, faster, cheaper’.

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PhD defense Maschenka Balkenhol

PhD defense Maschenka Balkenhol

Maschenka Balkenhol succesfully defended her PhD thesis titled 'Tissue-based biomarker assessment for predicting prognosis of triple negative breast cancer: the additional value of artificial intelligence' on the 15th of September.

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Impact of Scanners and Staining of WSIs on CNNs

Impact of Scanners and Staining of WSIs on CNNs

The impact of scanner variations and stain normalization on CNN performance for prostate cancer classification on WSIs was investigated by Zaneta Swiderska-Chadaj and their colleagues, and the work was published in Nature Scientific Reports.

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Streaming CNNs for Multi-Megapixel Images

Streaming CNNs for Multi-Megapixel Images

Due to memory constraints on current hardware, most convolutional neural networks (CNN) are trained on sub-megapixel images. A novel method for end-to-end training of CNNs on multi-megapixel images was proposed by Hans Pinckaers and his colleagues. Their work appeared online in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.

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