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Final meeting AMI-project.

Final meeting AMI-project.

The final meeting of the AMI-project took place last week. The AMI-project was a close collaborative project between the Diagnostic Image Analysis Group and the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine MEVIS. With the development of a generic platform for automatic medical image analysis, the project was a succes.

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Kick-off H2020 project ExaMode

Kick-off H2020 project ExaMode

20 European researchers gathered last week at the Techno-pôle in Sierre, Switserland to kick-off the European H2020 project ExaMode. The objective of the project is to develop new prototypes for processing large volumes of medical data on exascale computing facilities.

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Automatic mitosis detection in breast cancer tissue sections

Automatic mitosis detection in breast cancer tissue sections

Counting of mitotic tumor cells in tissue sections constitutes one of the strongest prognostic markers for breast cancer. David Tellez et al developed a method to automatically detect mitotic figures in H&E stained breast cancer tissue sections based on convolutional neural networks.

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First edition MIDL 2018 great success

First edition MIDL 2018 great success

A big thank you to everyone who attended MIDL 2018 and made this first edition to a great success! Among 61 posters was work from Computational Pathology group members Hans Pinckaers, Zaneta Swiderska-Chadaj, David Tellez, Mart van Rijthoven and Wouter Bulten.

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Results CAMELYON17 challenge

Results CAMELYON17 challenge

Peter Bandi and Oscar Geessink challenged participants to move from individual metastases detection to classification of lymph node status on a patient level. The algorithmic details of the twelve best submissions are discussed in the paper that appeared in IEEE's TMI last August.

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