New start-up Aiosyn will bring AI research into pathology diagnostics
CPG launches new spin-off, Aiosyn, to accelerate the implementation of AI in Pathology
CPG launches new spin-off, Aiosyn, to accelerate the implementation of AI in Pathology
Geert Litjens has been awarded a Vidi grant worth 800,000 euros by the Dutch Research Council. He will investigate AI solutions for prostate cancer by combining radiology and pathology images.
David Tellez succesfully defended his PhD thesis with the title 'Advancing computational pathology with deep learning: from patches to gigapixel image-level classification'.
Jeroen van der Laak, Geert Litjens, and Francesco Ciompi discuss the way to the clinic for computation pathology algorithms.
The Academic Alliance Fund of Radboudumc and Maastricht UMC+ awarded Geert Litjens, Daan Geijs, Avital Amir, Lisa Hillen, Veronique Winnepenninckx and Nicole Kelleners a grant of 100,000 euros for their project proposal entitled: ‘Mohs chirurgy supported by artificial intelligence; better, faster, cheaper’.
The Innovative Medicine Initiative has awarded a 70 MEuro project to build the largest integrated database of digitized histopathologic slides and AI algorithms in the world.
The Fiets Pieten cycled a total of 355 km across the country, solving a special CPG mystery with help of their fellow crew members along the way.
Francesco Ciompi of the Computational Pathology group has received a prestigious NWO-TTW VIDI grant of 800,000 euro for his project "Predicting Lung Cancer Immunotherapy Response. It's personal".
In this project we aim to develop and validate AI techniques for the detection of serous tubal intra-epithelial carcinoma (STIC), a non-invasive lesion in the distal Fallopian tube which is expected to be a precursor for ovarian cancer.
Maschenka Balkenhol succesfully defended her PhD thesis titled 'Tissue-based biomarker assessment for predicting prognosis of triple negative breast cancer: the additional value of artificial intelligence' on the 15th of September.